WHAT IS magnesium?
Magnesium is needed, among other things, to produce protein in the human body, for the metabolism of calcium and for normal nerve system and muscle function.
Public sources recommend that adult females have an intake of 280 milligrams per day and adult males 350 milligrams.
plant-based magnesium
I plantbaserad och vegansk mat hittar magnesium oftast i baljväxter, gröna bladgrönsaker och i fullkorn. Vi får även i oss en viss del magnesium genom dricksvattnet beroende på sammansättningen.
good to know
Deficiency of magnesium is very uncommon.
Disclaimer – please note that we are not in any way experts in nutrition, all information above is translated summaries of information available on the Swedish National Food Administration’s (Livsmedelsverket) webpage.