vitamin b12

Why should we eat vitamin b12?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is needed, among other things, for the cells’ metabolism and for the formation of blood cells. It is also necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.


Adults require about 2 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day.


Vitamin B12 is mainly stored in the liver of the human body and released once needed by the body.

vitamin b12 in a plant-based diet

Veganer och de som äter en plantbaserad diet blir ofta rådda till att ta vitamin B12 som tillskott eftersom att denna vitamin saknas i grönsaker. Sanningen är dock den att djur inte själva kan producera vitamin B12 utan får det som tillskott eller får i sig det genom små bakterier som lever i jorden.


For vegans, it is therefore very important to supplement vitamin B12 or have a sufficient intake of fortified foods (for example shop bought oat/soy/rice milk often contains B12).

vegan moussaka

Disclaimer – please note that we are not in any way experts in nutrition, all information above is translated summaries of information available on the Swedish National Food Administration’s (Livsmedelsverket) webpage.

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