WHAT is vitamin c?
Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and is needed, among other things, to build up the body’s cartilage and bone tissue. It also facilitates the absorption of iron from food.
Public sources recommend 100 grams per day for breast feeding females, 85 grams per day for a pregnant woman and 75 grams per day for adults in general.
vitamin c in a plant-based diet
Vitamin C hittas i de flesta grönsaker, bär och särskilt i citrusfrukter. En vuxen person får i sig dagsbehovet av C-vitamin genom att äta exempelvis någon av följande:
- En stor apelsin
- En tredjedels paprika
- Tre brysselkål
to think about
Vitamin C is heat sensitive. If food is kept warm for a long time or heated repeatedly, the amount of vitamin C in the food decreases.
In general, the nutrient content is least affected by cooking with a little liquid, at a low temperature and for a short time. Therefore, steaming is more gentle ways to heat food, compared to e.g. frying or boiling.
Disclaimer – please note that we are not in any way experts in nutrition, all information above is translated summaries of information available on the Swedish National Food Administration’s (Livsmedelsverket) webpage.